artist mentoring

What is artist mentoring?

If you are a singer, a writer, a musician, an actor, a visual artist, a performer, or a video / filmmaker, try a 30 minute artist mentoring session with me. 

This website offers you four simple steps to apply the Law of Attraction to your art. If you are reading this, you have most likely completed those steps and have greatly enhanced your vision of yourself as an artist. Now it is time to continue your journey to artistic success...

...but doing it on your own can be intimidating. 

A companion for your journey of discovery can make the journey so much easier and more enjoyable. The best companion is a mentor - someone who has already applied the Law of Attraction to their art and their life, and knows some good tips and tricks to cope with the ups and downs of artistic achievement. Someone who can help you turn your journey toward artistic success into a wonderful adventure.

Mentoring includes some practical steps...

But the real role of a mentor is to awaken the inner light of an artist, to help them see the greatness within. To nurture the inner voice of the artist. To empower the artist to reach beyond their own limits.

That is my role as mentor. That is what you will experience in artist mentoring.

scroll down to the booking form

During the start-up phase of discover your magic, mentoring sessions are free in return for feedback and reviews.

Come with me on an adventure empower yourself become the creator of your life, and the realiser of your dreams

…to discover your magic

On our adventure, you will discover how the Law of Attraction can awaken your inner light and lead you to artistic success.

scroll down to book your free mentoring session... during the start up phase of the discover your magic project...

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