improvise storytelling

How do you awaken your creative power?

Let’s take the third step: 

improvise storytelling

"Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world"

...Robert McKee

We all love a good story, but what gives a great story its power? A great story's power derives from how it magically leads us on a journey with the hero(es) as they manifest their destiny. It documents, explores and enshrines the path of the hero in the minds of the audience, often detailing how the hero discovered their magic; their power to overcome the impossible and reach their goal. 

How do you awaken your creative power? Great artists often (sometimes subconsciously) document, explore and enshrine their path in which they discovered their creative genius and their creative values in a story told in one of their significant works. 

The song Lose Yourself documents how Eminem discovered his creative genius and embraced his creative values to overcome his fears and rise in the world of rap and hip hop. In The Pilgrimage Paulo Coelho enshrined his path to spiritual enlightenment in which he discovered his creative genius and values before establishing himself as a world renowned author. Although Woody Allen denies it, his co-star Diane Keaton asserts that the film Annie Hall explores the ups and downs of their relationship, in which they discovered their shared creative genius and values

As part of their journey to artistic success these great creators documented, explored and enshrined the path they personally took toward self-empowerment through their art. The greatness of the story told in these autobiographical works also exemplifies the creative power which they gained on that journey.

improvise storytelling

Your creative power will awaken more strongly when you imagine a simple story detailing how your visions and dreams will manifest. The questions below will help you clarify some details, and will enhance your vision of how you will discover your magic. You are attracting that vision by completing this step mindfully. Note that you do not need answers to all the questions now to align yourself vibrationally with the life you want to create.

How will improvise a simple story about discovering your magic?

Your creative genius and your creative values will help you improvise

Let's begin with the end of your story

Your creative genius has already shown you an inspired vision of the end of your journey. Your notes from step 1 about your dreams and visions provide details about the end of your story.

Now we move to the start of your story.

Your creative values exist in the here and now, Your notes from step 2 about why you want or need to create your art provide details for the start of your story. If your story were written in prose, the first words could be…

  "I believe in…" 

...followed by a few words summarising your creative values.

Now let's improvise the middle of your story

What simple steps will happen to you along your path? How do these steps align with your creative values, allowing you to realizing the vision of your creative genius?

The questions below will help you improvise, magically enhancing the vision of how you discover your magic. You are attracting that vision by completing this step mindfully. Note that you do not need answers to all the questions now to continue aligning yourself vibrationally with the life you want to create.

Your audience…

Your workspace

Significant people…

Significant events…

Now that you have improvised a few (or maybe many) details about your journey to discover your magic, you are ready to capture the awakening of your creative power. Note down a few points about your story, which documents, explores and enshrines the path you will take to realize your vision.

If you think to yourself: "Well, yes, brainstorming a story about a goal I haven't yet reached is all fun and good, but it's not really going to achieve anything, is it?" 

...think again. Great creators know that their creative power grows in their imagination, nurtured by their values, insights and creative genius. 

Alternatively, you may think: "Hey, a story about my path to success is fun and easy and I would love to bring my story to life, just as I see it in my mind's eye!"

Pay special attention to these reactions. These kinds of thoughts show that your creative power has awakened, and you are already enjoying the journey to discover your magic.

Perhaps you alreasy have a vision of an autobiographical work in your mind, inspired by improvising details about your path to artistic success. 

Are you creating a book?

Are you creating music?

Are you creating visual art?

Are you creating performances?

Are you creating videos?

Are you doing a mix of the above possibilities, or something completely different?

Will you present your story in a similar form as your artwork?

Are you creating professional success?

Are you creating happiness?

Have you improvised some details about how to capture your journey to discover your magic in an artwork of your own creation? Note down your fantastic, new, creative ideas. Your notes will help you realize this autobiographical piece of art. 

In accordance with the Law of Attraction, you have taken another step to align yourself vibrationally with the life you want to create. Adhering to the Law of Deliberate Creation awakens your creative power.
