Discover your magic

The Law of Attraction for Artists

This website offers artists four simple steps to apply the Law of Attraction to their art. If you are a singer, a writer, a musician, an actor, a visual artist, a performer, or a video / filmmaker and you want to align vibrationally with your visions and dreams of yourself as a successful artist... here to begin

Do you want to discover your magic? The key to discovering your magic is 

Awakening your creative genius and creative power will teach you the Law of Deliberate Creation.

Awakening your creative values and creative insight will teach you the Art of Allowing.

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Just four steps... Awaken your creative genius, creative values, creative power and creative insight, Each step should take you about 5 minutes. You take a few moments to consider your spontaneous reactions to the questions and note down your thoughts. It's that easy.

start here

(Discover your magic expands on the Law of Attraction teachings of Abraham-Hicks)

I want to take you on an adventure. An adventure in which we will discover your magic.

We all have an inner voice that speaks to us in every moment of our lives. That inner voice is an authority on empowering us and realizing our dreams.

I have been discovering my magic for over 30 years

...listening to my inner voice telling me to realize my dream of becoming an accomplished musician 

...caring for my inner child while traveling the world, living in many countries 

...seeing my inner light and documenting my adventures in magical stories

The light inside me is always growing stronger, and enlightens my day to create a life of rich, fulfilling experiences.

So come with me on an adventure empower yourself become the creator of your life, and the realiser of your dreams

…to discover your magic

We start here and now...

click here to begin

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